

If you would like to grow spiritually as a Christian and learn practical lessons from the Bible that will help you, then you're at the right place.

My Personal Journey: From Atheist to Bible Believer

I am a converted atheist. I went through the stages of believing in God, then wondering if there was a God, then not believing in Him, then wondering again, and finally believing in Him.

My personal journey is like many others, and perhaps like yours, a search for answers and information so I could make an intelligent decision. It was my fear that I would accept something that was not true.

I struggled…

I entered the University of California at Irvine as an atheist. As a student planning to go to medical school, I was deeply committed to scientific reasoning.

Eventually, I found myself confronted with empirical evidence and sound reasons that it was more reasonable scientifically to believe that God did exist than that He did not. God completed my journey to know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior with personal confirmation by faith, and I believed.

For example, the first law of thermodynamics says that energy cannot be created by natural means. Yet atheists propose that out of nothing a singularity appeared by natural means from which came everything that exists in the universe.

This is not rational!

And the second law of thermodynamics makes it impossible for the universe to organize itself by natural means. Yet the universe is highly organized energy and is in the process of decay. If its original state of organization was not by natural means, then it must have been by supernatural means.

The law of biogenesis states that all living cells come from living cells. But naturalists propose that living cells came from lifeless molecules. This is contrary to the science and experiences of today!

Prayer and the Experience of GOD

Being convinced that there was a God, I began weekly Bible studies with Christian apologeticists from the Christian Research Institute led by Bible Answerman, Dr. Walter Martin.

Answers to questions strengthened my faith, but what truly deepened my commitment to Christ was prayer, which strengthened my personal experience with God.

I know God. I talk to Him every day.

From California to Arkansas

I asked God to guide me in finding a church like the early church described in the book of Acts. I wanted to experience that zeal and genuineness of the early church believers. They did not just know about God. They had a passion to live for God every moment of every day. I wanted THAT.

A year later, God answered my prayer.

God led me to a church in Fayetteville, Arkansas. At Mission Blvd. Baptist Church (MBBC), I trained with the pastor, Dr. Brian Disney, and immersed myself in daily discipleship and ministry. I was committed to serving God.

My Career Journey:

Serving God

Instead of medical school, I gladly accepted God’s calling for a life of ministry. I also married my childhood sweetheart Colleen, and together, we raised a family .

While ministering on campus, I earned a Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Arkansas, specializing in immunology and infectious diseases. This has been useful in my ministry, and I was regularly invited to conduct seminars on science and faith, as well as creation and evolution. I debated evolutionists, founded the Creation Science Society at the University of Arkansas, and produced the Creation Insights seminars.

I served as outreach director and conducted evangelism campaigns into the community and on college campuses. I developed the MBBC discipleship ministry and materials, oversaw the annual MBBC discipleship conference and conducted discipleship seminars for over thirty years.

I founded the Leadership Institute of America (LTIA) and continue to train leaders on defending the faith with a Biblical world view.

I preached and taught about Jesus Christ around the world in conferences.

I was especially excited about prayer and was finishing up a series of studies on that subject.

Bad News...

In 1989, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma stage 4B.

Usually this cancer is caught at the early stages, but in my case, it was hidden behind the sternum in my chest. By the time swollen lymph nodes were visible, cancer cells had escaped my lymph system, filled my bones, and invaded the rest of my body. Chemotherapy was my only option.

Prayer That Moves Mountains

For a year, I had prayed and studied to know about prayers that move mountains. I wanted the experience of praying to move MOUNTAINS.

God gave me my mountain. I prayed, and God healed.

But then in 1994, I had a reoccurrence of Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Survival the first time around was against me. This time, there were not enough survivors to determine a survival rate. And it was an excruciating experience.

As before, with my wife’s help, I went through a process of preparing all the practical matters in my life in case I died. This time we had two babies to think about.

I learned a lot about prayerand most of all, God answered the longing in my heart to really understand what it means to pray prayers that move mountains.

By God’s grace, I completed my second round of chemotherapy in 1995. And now, more than thirty years since my first episode, I am still cancer free.

God taught me about prayer by giving me a mountain. I prayed, and He moved my mountain. I don’t just talk about prayer. I experience prayer.


I am still in Fayetteville, Arkansas, serving as the senior associate pastor at MBBC. My wife, Colleen, and I still lead very busy lives.  We have two grown daughters, a son-in-law, and two very energetic grandchildren.

As the Spirit of God tugs at your heart to give in to Him, do not resist. Instead talk to God and listen to Him. Ask Him to convince you and to help you overcome the fear of yielding to Him as your Lord and Savior.

I did, without regret. It was the best thing I ever did, and I did not have to sacrifice common-sense reason or science. In fact, God invites you, saying, “Come, let us reason…”

Believing in God is smart and reasonable. Living for God is smart and practical.

If you have questions that I can help you with, just write me. But remember, you can call on Jesus Christ anywhere at anytime.

Pat, Colleen and Grandkids-650x450


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