Thank you for your willingness to help me launch my books about prayer. Prayer is the theme, but the Gospel message is clearly presented in testimony and explanation. After you read the manuscript, I am confident that you will see the value of the book and the ministry impact it can have in many lives.
The manuscripts are provided exclusively for you as a reviewer during our pre-launch phase.
If you know of others who would very likely appreciate this book and would be willing to write a great review prior to the launch and would give it a 5-star rating on launch day, please send me their email address. I will send them the review invitation that I sent to you.
We are looking for at least 100 pre-launch reviews for each book. This means we need help finding more people who would like to participate in this outreach launch.
You will be receiving an email very soon with the link to the manuscript for PRAY.
If you have questions, please contact me.
Thanks again for your help,